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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners held on Wednesday, July 5, 2006 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

PRESENT:  C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan, R. Simon.  ABSENT:  D. Giannini, R. Connor.  ALSO PRESENT:  Chief Kehoe, Captain Rios, two members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.    No members of the public chose to speak at this time.

MINUTES.  Upon motion of Commissioner Simon and seconded by Commissioner Finnegan, the minutes of June 6, 2006, the addendum and the Special Meeting minutes of June 13, 2006 were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (June 2006).  Overtime:  This is no report for budget or line items due to entrance into the new fiscal year.  The starting balances are at $0.00.  Budget balances GL Accounts also have nothing to report due to entrance into the new fiscal year.  Reports will be available next month.  Fleet - two cars are on order with expected delivery next month.  Personnel - PPO Nosal and Chesser are both doing well in Phase II according to their FTO, Sgt. Cole.  PPO Jacovino and Poole started the academy on June 2nd and are reported as doing well.  A firm offer was given to Todd Dingee and he will start on July 10th and will enter the academy on July 21.  Sgt. Tvardzik will be starting anew and we will reviewing candidates starting immediately.  Training – None conducted.  LETTERS OF GRATITUDE  - both Officer Robinson and Sgt. Vanghele received letters of gratitude.    Officer Robinson’s efficiency, dependability and professionalism was noted while Sgt. Vanghele’s work with the Citizen Police Academy was noted.  TRAINING OPPORTUNITY – July 18 or July 19, the CT Transportation Institute will conduct training on the Fundamentals of Analyzing and Solving Local Traffic Problems in New Britain or Vernon, CT.  Commissioners Simon and Mattegat along with Chief Kehoe would like to attend and will have the Chief’s office submit registrations if room is available.  STC of pedestrian signal phase at the intersection of Rte 6 and Queen Street.  There are no plans as of yet.  Possibility of next year.  Liquor Store compliance checks were completed and revealed no complaints or violations.  Commissioner Finnegan noted Agent’s comments received by him were that the officers were professional, well organized and represented the department and town well.  EXPANDED DUI ENFORCEMENT GRANT – is ongoing which started July 1st.  There were several spot checks during July 1-4.  The Memorial Day DUI Enforcement GRANT has been finalized and the report will be completed next month.  JULY 4 DUI ENFORCEMENT GRANT -   NEWTOWN’S SAFER STREET INITITATIVE – has concluded and the report finalized 6/25/06.  OVERHEAD SIGNS ON I-84 WB EXIT 10 letter received by the First Selectman’s office for sign replacement and new stanchions.   POLICE CANINE IN SCHOOL SYSTEM on 7/6/06 meeting will be held at Reed School at 7:00 p.m. Officer Stinson and Baro will attend.  PERFORMANCE EVALUATION the First Selectman would like the Commissioners’ comments regarding the Chief and Captain’s performance.  Commissioner Mattegat asked for position descriptions to help outline their responsibilities.  
CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT Forgive the type-o on the minutes dated Tuesday, June 15, 2006.  (June, 2006) included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report.  This will be Sgt. Tvardzik’s last report to the Commission.  Officers Figol and McGowan had the highest number of DUI arrests during June 05 – June 06.  Hats off to them.  Their keen observation and persistence seeing it through to the end is to be commended.  The Commissioners sends their congratulations to both Officers.  Y.O. Schubert will receive an award for his involvement with DARE and hats off to Sgt. Vanghele who does a fine job with our CPA but also coordinates check points and community involvement.  Both will be receiving an award from MADD.  Commissioners made known their interest in attending the award ceremonies if we receive an invitation.  The Police Department will have extra DUI patrols out on June 15th and since the press is here, the location will be undisclosed.  During the summer, the police department will continue to enforce the DUI laws of the State of CT.  The officers are doing a fine job and the department is ahead of last year’s numbers as far as arrests.  


Application for amendment to construct 15,000 sq. ft building at 146-148 South Main Street.  Minor changes made but no changes made in regards to the location of the driveways.  The overall site line remains the same with no traffic changes.  Commissioner Simon made a motion to accept the changes on the application to construct 15,000 sq. ft. building at 146-148 South Main Street.  Commissioner Finnegan seconded and unanimously carried.  


Retirement of Detective Sergeant Tvardzik Commissioner Finnegan made a motion adding to the agenda Det. Sgt. Tvardzik’s letter of retirement.  Commissioner Simon seconded. Commissioner Finnegan made a motion to accept the letter of retirement from Det. Sgt. Tvardzik effective 7/28/06.  7/14/06 will be Sgt. Tvardzik’s last working day.  Commissioner Simon seconded and unanimously carried.  Det. Sgt. Tvardzik notes that he has mixed emotions and the Commissioners feel the same.  The Commissioners ask that their thanks for his 32 years of faithful service and congratulations on his retirement be noted.  VILLAGE DISTRICT, SPECIAL EXCEPTION & SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 33 CHURCH HILL ROAD, BOROUGH OF NEWTOWN – Chief Kehoe received a letter dated 6/15/06 from Linda Shepard regarding a site traffic evaluation study for 33 Church Hill Road (Old Smoke Shop) seeking an additional office building.  Commissioner Simon made a motion that the Commission table the expansion until more information is submitted and extended an invitation to the appropriate individuals to attend the next Commission meeting who can answer questions regarding the building, the number of employees, the types of businesses along with a traffic consultant.  Commissioner Finnegan seconded and unanimously carried.  Special Exception & Modification of existing building for 2 & 6 Turnberry Lane -  Commissioner Mattegat asked the nature of the business.  Chief Kehoe replied that they store supplies as well as a wholesale lumber yard.  Commissioner Simon made a motion that we accept the modifications for 2 & 6 Turnberry Lane.  Commissioner Finnegan seconded and unanimously carried.  NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL EXPANSION, DRIVEWAY LOCATION & EFFECT ON TRAFFIC – Commissioner Simon made a motion that the Commission table the discussion and that the Chief send a letter to their Board explaining the Commission’s concerns and make made aware that a traffic engineering  study, information on plans, volume, entrances and exits information be made available.  Commissioner Finnegan seconded and unanimously carried.  REQUEST FOR SIGN AT THE INTERSECTION OF SMOKE RISE RIDGE AND THE OLD ROAD -    From the audience – Ms. Ellen Plasil, 5 Smoke Rise Ridge Road, Newtown asking to have a sign that was posted and removed to be replaced.  On 5/25 the sign was unlawfully removed and it was learned that the instruction to remove the sign came from the Chief & Mr. Hurley.  According to Ms. Plasil, Mr. Hurley states that the road receives town services and requires opening for public use.  Ms. Plasil states that the letter from the Chief and Mr. Hurley states that it would be difficult enforcing no trespassing on a private road.  Ms. Plasil stated that there are no prior requests for police intervention for trespassing.  In the three weeks that the sign was up, it had remarkable results.  Attorney Grogins requests via Ms. Plasil asks that he be contacted if any objections are being considered.  Commissioner Mattegat asked who maintains the road.  Residents and the Town both pay half.  The town plows, sands and salt the road.  Commissioner Mattegat asked if the sign was posted on private or public property.  The sign was posed on an easement on Old Road prior to Smoke Rise Ridge.  Commissioner Simon states that if the sign is on town owned property and someone complains, that’s when the Commission gets involved.  Commissioner Mattegat states that a “private road” sign indicates to a reasonable person that one is not to enter.  Commissioner Mattegat asked why pedestrians being prohibited.  Ms. Plasil states that injuries and insurance costs that would be incurred by the homeowners are major factors.  Commissioner Simon recommends Ms. Plasil make herself knowledgeable with the manual on traffic control devices which the Commission uses as their guideline.  Ms. Plasil states that according to the town attorney, there is no legal reason to bar the sign or its location.  Chief Kehoe states that the sign should fulfill a need, command attention, and have a legally clear meaning and not be lengthy in nature because motorists have only split seconds to read signs.  The issue is the sign being placed on town property.  The Commission cannot rule with the information before it at this time.  Commissioner Mattegat suggests that the Chief contact Attorney Grogins to place his findings in writing.  Ms. Plasil asked to be copied on the request and it was agreed that she would be copied on the correspondence request to Atty. Grogins.  DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT REQUEST – OFFICER ROBINSON.  Commissioner Simon made a motion that the secondary employment request by Officer Robinson be accepted.  Commissioner Finnegan seconded and unanimously carried.   

COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION – Commissioner Simon asked where does the Police Department stand on acquisition of the command vehicle?  Chief Kehoe replied that it should be delivered sometime in September, that it is on order and takes 2-3 months to make.
Executive Session to discuss update on pending civil claims.  Commissioner Mattegat moved to enter into executive session at 8:40 p.m. to discuss updates on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend, second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.  At this time, the clerk left the meeting.

Kimberly Moffett, Clerk